The lure of convenience calls to every working family. None of us have enough time so we reach for little bags of cookies, or big bags of burgers. But what is this costing us? We don’t have enough time to prepare, so we spend money on convenience, so we have to work more to make the extra money, so we have less time to prepare, so we spend more money … do you see where I’m going with this?
Who decided that little plastic packages were the be all and end all of food? Yes, they do save time while packing lunches and running errands with children in tow. However, what are we really paying for convenience? Pre-packaged foods cost more than normal food. And with just a little foresight, you can make your own convenience!
Consider buying in bulk. Instead of buying a box of cookies already broken down into smaller packages, buy a bigger box and break it down yourself. Check the unit price and you’ll see the immediate savings. Not only do you get to control the portion size, you will end up with more packages for less money.
The moment I get home from the grocery store, I take the extra time to break everything down. I look to see what constitutes a serving size. I then make my own pre-packaged convenience. All of my new smaller bags then go in to a larger bin. My kids can then easily grab one and go.
During sports seasons, we go through a lot of snacks. In fact, I carry a snack-box in my car. After I’ve taken the time to break everything down into individual servings, the box goes into the car and we’re all set. When the I’m-hungry’s start floating forward from the back seat, I can quickly say, “Grab a snack already!” I know what’s in the snack box and know that it’s all approved by me.
Pre-packaged salads also seem to be a big trend right now. It’s easy to grab a bag of salad mix at the grocery store, but what is the serving number on that? Two or maybe three servings?
What I love to do is buy some lettuce – a couple different varieties – plus all the other ingredients I need to make a truly yummy salad. When I get home from the grocery store, I then proceed to make a huge salad – one that will last for 3-4 days. Here’s a quick tip to keeping it fresh longer: place a couple of paper towels on top. Every time you scoop out some salad, replace the now damp paper towels with fresh towels. It will help keep the moisture down and make the salad last longer.
And probably the most expensive convenience of all: fast food. It is just too easy, isn’t it? But it is also too expensive for a family on a budget. My snack box in the car comes in handy for avoiding the drive thru, but the best way to avoid the burger trap is to simply plan ahead. My kids hate me sometimes, but I do bring homemade sandwiches along when I know we will be out for a while. They will thank me when they are old enough to care about their college funds.
So, don’t fall for pre-packaged goodies. You can do it yourself. And don’t fall for bags of salad. You can do it yourself. And don’t fall for the drive thru. You can do it yourself. Habits are hard to break – so make good habits! Your checkbook will thank you, even if your kiddos don’t.
Posted by Robin