Say Mmm has a free online meal planning calendar that helps people stay organized and view their plans by day, week, and month.  And we just added a few new features to this calendar as part of Say Mmm Plus for people that like to track the calories or the cost of their meals.

There are other calorie tracking sites that require people to select each part of a meal from a database of food items, but this can be time consuming and often there isn’t an exact match because even items with the same name can vary quite a bit based on the ingredients. For example, the number of calories in something like “Lemon chicken” depends on the recipe you follow. For this reason, many people just track calories on paper. The new calorie and cost features on Say Mmm aims to make tracking as easy as writing on paper, while automating some of the work.

In the new Calorie view of the planning calendar, you can enter calories for meals planned, and have the daily total calculated for you. Once a calorie count for a meal is entered, it is remembered, and will automatically appear anytime the meal is added to the meal plan calendar in the future, which is great for things you have often. The new Cost view of the planning calendar works the same way but with dollars, to help with estimating and tracking weekly and monthly budgets.

Both the calorie and cost views are integrated with the meal planning calendar so it is easy to see the current week or choose a specific day or week to view. The calorie and costs can also be printed out for keeping a written record or guide for the week.

Calorie view


Cost view


Posted by Brian