Say Mmm makes it easy to organize all your recipes and recipe links in one place and to find what you need by searching for a particular item or sorting by categories. And now we have added a way for you to rate your recipes, so you can do quick sorts for your favorite recipes and can see at a glance which recipes you liked best.

You can add a rating after you first add a recipe or at any time by editing a recipe. Just click on the number of Ms you want to give the recipe, on a scale of one to five. So your favorites would be “5M” or “Mmmmm”. You can rate your average or daily meals as 3M or however you’d like to use ratings to help you remember what you liked or find what you are looking for faster.

The nice thing about rating your recipes is you can easily bring all your favorites to the top of your recipe list, just by clicking on the “M” in the column header. And when you do sorts by categories, ratings help your favorite ideas stand out from your other ideas, so as you add more recipes and ideas, you can still find what you are looking for quickly and easily.
