Chances are if you are like most people, you have recipes in multiple places. Maybe in cookbooks, on printouts, in various folders and binders, in computer documents, on multiple websites, or in lists of bookmarks or links, or maybe you just remember where they are online or how to find them on Google.
With Say Mmm you can organize all your recipes and recipe links in one place, categorize and format them as you like, add photos, and keep notes of what you did or when you had them. It makes finding what you need when you need it simple. Just browse through ideas or search for a specific ingredient or term.
Since they are on the Internet, you can check them from any computer, like if you are visiting family or on a trip, or view them on a smart phone, like if you see a sale in the store and want to see ideas of what you can make. And if your friends use Say Mmm you can get ideas from them and swap recipes with a few clicks. Take a look at how it works in the video below.