Knowledgebase - How do I add a meal to my plan?

You can add a meal to the plan a couple ways

  • From your list of meals – Click on the “Cook” tab and then “My Meals” and you will see your list of meals and be able to click on one and then on the “Plan” button to schedule the meal
  • In your plan tab – Just click on the “Plan” tab and then on “Cook” for the day you want to plan for. Then you can just type in the food items of your meal, separated by commas. For meals you have entered previously, when you type the first letters you will see a list to choose from.  You will also see a "My Ideas" link that will let you scroll through your list of meals and recipes.
  • When viewing a recipe – There is a “Plan” button on each recipe page that you can use to add that recipe to the plan, and you can additional meal items for the recipe in the Plan tab