
Recipes for Chocolate Love Cake with grocery lists and nutritional information | Page 132

photo Decadent Brownie Pie Recipe | Say Mmm

Decadent Brownie Pie

Here's something a little different to do with a brownie. You can dress it up with different toppings. Sprinkle with chopped mint candy either peppermint for...
12 Servings -
photo Gluten Free Cannoli Recipe | Say Mmm

Gluten Free Cannoli

cannoli made without gluten, stuffed with fresh ricotta filling, crisp, delicious, sweet, authentic Italian, like they make in the Bronx, but without gluten.
20 Servings -
photo Homemade Oreos 3 Recipe | Say Mmm

Homemade Oreos

Oreos used to be a mystery to me. My mom never bought commercial sweets, and she certainly never bought the almost-black cookies that looked burnt to her. For the same reason, they never appealed to me either-
16 Servings -
photo Hearty Chicken Quinoa Stew Recipe | Say Mmm

Hearty Chicken Quinoa Stew

Good Monday Morning friends! If I haven't talked you into cooking with quinoa yet, this recipe should do the trick.
10 Servings -
photo Banana Split Cupcakes Recipe | Say Mmm

Banana Split Cupcakes

This Banana Split Cupcakes recipe contains Maraschino Cherries, Vegetable Shortening, Earth Balance, Cupcakes, Nuts and more.
12 Servings -
photo Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Tacos Recipe Recipe | Say Mmm

Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Tacos Recipe

Mouth-watering beef tacos...and your slow cooker (crock pot) does all the work! Detailed recipe and photographs included.
photo Rocky Road Brownies Recipe | Say Mmm

Rocky Road Brownies

This Rocky Road Brownies recipe contains granulated sugar, butter, walnuts, all-purpose flour, miniature marshmallows and more.
12 Servings -
photo Brownie Fruit Pizza Recipe | Say Mmm

Brownie Fruit Pizza

Brownie Fruit Pizza Squares. Don't tell anyone how easy it is!
photo Splenda Brownies Recipe | Say Mmm

Splenda Brownies

My whole journey with Spenda Recipes began with a disastrous Brownie experiment. I have now spent several years learning how to cook and bake with Splenda. I have experimented with and slowly modified all my favorite recipes into delicious and healthy Sple...
photo Raw Fudge Recipe | Say Mmm

Raw Fudge

It has been cold, windy and snowing this last week. That combined with Christmas coming has inspired me to post some Christmas and snow worthy recipes. This fudge recipe fits the bill nicely. Later I will be sharing a recipe
photo Caramel Apples Mini Recipe | Say Mmm

Caramel Apples Mini

You get all the satisfaction of a caramel apple in one bite and without a messy chin. If decorating with twigs, make sure twigs are food-safe or use craft sticks.
16 Servings - 30 min -
photo Green Goddess Bowl Recipe | Say Mmm

Green Goddess Bowl

This Green Goddess Bowl recipe contains couscous, avocado, Avocado, safflower oil, nutritional yeast and more.
photo Pumpkin Cobbler 2 Recipe | Say Mmm

Pumpkin Cobbler

This Pumpkin Cobbler recipe contains sugar, half and half, butter, eggs, pumpkin and more.
photo Butterfinger, Milkyway Cookie Recipe | Say Mmm

Butterfinger, Milkyway Cookie

I don't know what's wrong with me, I keep making cookies this week. This one in particular is deadly according to my husband. Once you have one, there's no
photo Caffeine Spiked Mini Hostess Cupcakes Recipe | Say Mmm

Caffeine Spiked Mini Hostess Cupcakes

When I was younger and the family went shopping, I always drifted over to the best part of the grocery store - the bakery. Nothing was more attractive than the brightly decorated sugar cookies, the...
40 Servings -
photo Strawberry Filled Cupcakes Recipe | Say Mmm

Strawberry Filled Cupcakes

It wouldn't be Valentine's for me without a cute cupcake!
22 Servings -
photo Knock You Naked Brownies Recipe | Say Mmm

Knock You Naked Brownies

Goodness. You have to try these. Here's how it shakes out. Several weeks ago, I was gifted with a tin of brownies. To be s...
12 Servings - 38 min -
photo Homemade Rocky Road Ice Cream Recipe | Say Mmm

Homemade Rocky Road Ice Cream

Rocky Road Ice Cream
8 hr 25 min -
photo Raspberry Ganache Pie Recipe | Say Mmm

Raspberry Ganache Pie

The creamy, sweet inside of a truffle, poured on top of a pie shell. It's like heaven on a plate, topped with fresh berries.
10 Servings - 4 hr 15 min -
photo Spritz Cookies Recipe | Say Mmm

Spritz Cookies

A classic Christmas cookie, originated in Germany and Scandinavia. Spritz is a simple butter cookie pressed into festive shapes and topped with all sorts of garnishes.
35 Servings - 35 min -