I debated with myself over whether to post these burritos. The fact that they were really, really outstanding won out. I under-estimated them. You know when you
I was trying to think of something genius to call this recipe, but couldn't find any great adjectives that began with the letter P (I like a bit of alliteration). I suppose just posting pizza...
Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Bacon Yep, the same technique for roasting bacon with cauliflower and broccoli also works for Brussels sprouts! Here's what to gather to feed 4-6 people as a side dish:
We pledge allegiance to a cake that shows its colors this deliciously. Serve with fresh blueberries and red strawberries and you'll cause even more revelry.
Yogurt cups are one of my favorite lunches. They're convenient, easy to grab, and yummy. But they are often too sweet for me, and so I wondered why I was settling for the flavors at the grocery store. Why not make my own?