Per the requests I got after my last cinnamon roll post, here is the recipe for my tried-and-true vanilla pudding cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting. The vanilla pudding is simply added to the dough to make it extremely soft
Cookie Dough. Brownies. Could there be a more divine combination? I'm not sure there can. Jenn, a blogging friend, sent me this recipe in an email stating,
I was a little leary about posting this mainly because the recipe takes some effort, but I promise it's well worth the time! This recipe is always served with, Recipe #271297 and Recipe #292499.
The best-kept secret of your chewy-cookie-making friends revealed: pudding. Savor these chocolaty creations, then try our pistachio, lemon and vanilla variations.
A couple of years ago a friend of mine brought me some of her famous homemade peanut butter cups for a little treat after I had a baby. These treats were legendary and I felt honored to receive a few.