I love a great Bolognese. There's something about that rich sauce over thick noodles that is just so darn good. Let's not forget to mention that you can sneak a fair amount of veggies into the ... Skip to content
Just the name of this meal conjures up extreme nostalgia for my college days. My roommates and I, eager to put our cooking skills to the test on our own, rotated dinner nights. There were some successes. And some not-so-successes.
Eric, Steve, Dan, Shayne, and Steve worked on the deck this weekend and they got so much accomplished! It almost looks like a deck now. The weather was what the boys called,
Mexican chorizo, as opposed to Spanish, is raw, and can be bought in sausage links, or just in a package (pictured in the procedure) as ready-ground sausage meat. I tend to do unorthodox things with my secret...
I hinted in my post last Friday about my goal this summer. I'm going to attempt what seems an impossible feat and avoid turning on my oven during the sweltering, humid months of June, July and August. My house heats
I have a cousin, Ryan, who is at least a decade and a half younger than me but who has managed to grow near and dear to my heart by a) having the patience to teach me to text faster