This salsa is great served with Salvadorean pupusas as well as a salsa to eat with traditional meals such as Yucca and Enchiladas Salvadorenos (more like a tostada).
The Jackson Street Baked Hot Wings recipe began when I found out that buffalo wings are basically fried naked wings with a sauce of butter and Frank's hot...
This dessert has a chocolate cake layer and a rich chocolate sauce underneath. It was a favorite recipe of ours growing up and is still a favorite. I knew I had to make a gluten/dairy free version for my family.
I'm wearing white. Ya, that's right. I'm getting all James Dean on the system. I'm sure my disapproving letter from Miss Manners will arrive shortly. It's still blazing hot here, like most parts of the country, so this no-white-after-Labor-Day rule
Kids and adults alike love this little sweet-savory sloppy joes recipe. Keep the meat mixture warm in a slow cooker set on low. Carrots and vegetable chips make great sides.