Per the requests I got after my last cinnamon roll post, here is the recipe for my tried-and-true vanilla pudding cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting. The vanilla pudding is simply added to the dough to make it extremely soft
Do you remember those Little Debbie Pecan Wheels? I used to loooove those as a kid. My favorite (and ONLY) way to eat them was to unravel the little roll. Slowly peel it away and eat it layer by la... The Whimsical Cupcake
No need to sit around and roll buckeye balls. We took all the work out of making buckeyes and turned it into a bark! It's a delicious chocolate and peanut butter combination.
Get your family's favorite steakhouse sandwich on your menu with roast beef with mushroom and onions and topped with melted Cheddar on a hearty sub roll.
Heather says: It's probably been at least five years since I've had a Cinnabon cinnamon roll. I'm drooling just thinking about it, but there aren't any in our area and I never seem to remember while I'm travelling. These cinnamon
I originally posted these rolls nearly three years ago and had been making them a couple of years prior to posting them, which basically means they are one of my longest standing roll recipes, which is saying a