Yogurt cups are one of my favorite lunches. They're convenient, easy to grab, and yummy. But they are often too sweet for me, and so I wondered why I was settling for the flavors at the grocery store. Why not make my own?
The capers and parsely complement this mild fish quite nicely and I often find myself slurping up the sauce and last slivers of fish with a soup spoon.
Venison: it's what's for dinner. That's true, at least in Carolyn Waldron-Parr's kitchen. This soul-satisfying stew begins with a buttery onion roux that is then whisked to life with ladles of hot beef stock.
Thanksgiving is a big deal at the Cabrera residence. The menu is planned weeks in advance to make sure everyone is satisfied with the side dishes and desserts. My mom takes out her good silverware to be polished. My dad spends the days prior to the dinner cleaning the house and making the backyard look... Read more » [LINK]