Wide rice noodles are available on the ethnic-foods aisle at most major supermarkets and at Asian grocers. If you can't find them, any rice noodle or even spaghetti will work in this dish. You can also use ground sirloin, if you can't find pork.
Cool Southwestern Salad With Corn and Avocado - Stand corn cob, stem removed and pointy end up, in a deep bowl. Cut downward with a sharp paring knife to remove kernels.
I've learned this recipe from a friend from Mexico. I don't eat menudo, because the tripe or pig's feet made me nauseous. She always celebrated with this soup and I can eat everything in it without being grossed out! It's very delicious and everyone always get seconds or thirds! Don't forget to garnish! I add lots of lemon juice to my bowl and a dash of salt.
This is Grace Parisi's take on the Dark and Stormy, a classic rum and ginger beer drink. Floating in the punch bowl are round ice cubes made with lychee syrup and lychees stuffed with brandied cherries, which have an uncanny resemblance to eyeballs.
We could call this Saints Dip for last year's Super Bowl winners! Parmesan cheese helps hold ingredients together. You can also serve this versatile recipe with crackers over a block of cream cheese or toss leftovers in a Caesar salad.