This Greek goddess dip is stunningly verdant and has a bright herby flavor The Greek strain in this dressing comes from using dill in place of watercress Make it and watch it do a disappearing act on vegetables, pita chips or whatever conduit you can dream up.
This is one of those basic, unadorned, cowboy-friendly staples of my cooking repertoire that's so utterly versatile, I just can't help but love it. Called Breakfast Potatoes by some, Skillet Potato...
I'm sort of making friends with my slow cooker this year. And I'm being kind of bratty about it, too! My goal is only to cook with a slow cooker when I can pretty much just sling a bunch of stuff
What's the difference between a calzone and a pizza pocket? This is one of the mysteries of life I hope to one day know the answer to. We love calzones in our house! Always have, always will.