Something magical happens in my kitchen when you combine cooking attention deficit--oh look! A squirrel! with eggs and cream cheese and popcorn seasoning. When I'm not busy trying to put out oven f...
The Jackson Street Baked Hot Wings recipe began when I found out that buffalo wings are basically fried naked wings with a sauce of butter and Frank's hot...
Leg of lamb is slowly braised with garlic, rosemary, onions, and vegetables until it is tender, moist, flavorful and falling off the bone. A white wine and broth sauce is leftover from the cooking process that tastes divine when spooned
A perfect party food to serve as a game day snack, these Smokey Sausage Bites feature spicy sausage with a mouthwatering mustard sauce. Served in a flaky puff pasty cup, they are truly addictive.