You might want to hire a waiter to serve this one. With fresh tomatoes and chopped basil along with savory shrimp and pasta, it's that close to a seriously high-end entree.
Why mess with perfection? Like our smart combo of tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. Arrange them on a plate, drizzle a little dressing and let the flavors do their work.
The BLT is too good to confine between slices of bread. Dig into crunchy romaine, juicy tomatoes and, of course, crispy bacon in this deliciously hearty salad.
Using juice from the tomatoes for some of the pasta water and cooking the spinach at the same time are clever shortcuts. Combining nutritious and delicious? That's just smart.
The classic flavor pairing of tomatoes, basil and mozzarella comes together with zesty dressing on a toasted slice of bread. A smart app just for the two of you to enjoy.