Everyone's favorite restaurant dessert comes together in your kitchen in just 20 minutes. Same creamy, fluffy layers of deliciousness; the only thing missing is the tab.
If you love both red velvet cake and cheeescake, this recipe is for you. A red velvet filling is spiked with cocoa, topped with a creamy cheesecake layer, and baked in a dark chocolate crust–making a wickedly-delicious combination.
Sports fans of all ages love these sweet treats. Chocolate-flavored cereal, coated with a melted chocolate mixture, is shaped and decorated to resemble mini footballs.
This CHIPS AHOY! House recipe contains frozen pound cake, philadelphia cream cheese, cookie, candy-coated chocolate pieces, baker's semi-sweet chocolate and more.
Love a frozen margarita? This one takes the cake. A strawberry, lime juice and cream cheese filling tops a pretzel crust for a perfect way to chill out.
Now that I have established my love for gelato, I also would like to share with you all that Persian Ice Cream holds a very special place in my heart. I love the fact that every bite is a delicious blend of saffron and rosewater. And I love it even more when the ice cream is placed between two wafers and eaten like a sandwich.