A fabulous carrot cake recipe full of shredded carrots, coconut, raisins, walnuts and lots of spices. Paired with a sweet cream cheese frosting, it's a fabulous classic dessert.
Food & Wine (June 2010) Flipping burgers on the grill is a quintessential rite of summer. And while we'll never tire of the classic taste of a nice grilled burger piled high with fresh fixings, it's fairly easy to fall...
Fish cakes are a classic weeknight supper, but they can sometimes be dry and tough. When chopping the fish for the cod cakes we left some of it in large pieces...
Dive into deep flavor with WomansDay.com's Ginger-Lemon Tiramisu Recipe, a classic dessert with some new fruity flair. Head over to WomansDay.com for more dessert recipes.
A classic and rustic French side dish made of sliced potatoes gets a mini update making it elegant and worthy enough for a Thanksgiving side dish. Search:
OPB's Kate Clause offers this reprieve from the classic pumpkin pie — a pumpkin bread with a heavy dose of concentrated, freshly brewed chai tea topped with a crunchy, sweet streusel including Oregon hazelnuts and walnuts.
Classic Italian Chicken Milanese is surprisingly EASY and FAST to make at home. Serve with a side salad for an easy weeknight meal. Make-ahead options.
Classic deviled eggs recipe, perfect for post-Easter and summer picnic potlucks. Mashed cooked egg yolks, mixed with mayonnaise and Dijon, spooned or piped into cooked egg white halves. Sprinkled with paprika.