When I saw these adorable skewers on Lady Behind the Curtain, they were just too cute to pass up. I had to make these for my daughter's tea party! They are made with pre-made biscuit dough so it'...
Ripe for a refreshing treat? Try Patty Howse's fruit drink—it'll quench everyone's thirst sweetly. "We like to relax on the back porch after a long hot day with glasses of my slush," she writes from her Great falls, Montana kitchen.
This recipe was given to me by a co-worker, and it gets rave reviews every time. I've tried it with other fruits, including blueberries, cherries, and peaches. All work out great. — Michele Trachier, Pasadena, Texas
It's summer so we should all be drinking as many smoothies as we can right? I think it is the best time of year for smoothies because there's such an abund
Let me tell you from bottom layer to top layer pie crust, chocolate chip cookie dough, cake icing, vanilla ice cream, rainbow chip cake, more cake icing and sprinkles. Big, fat, rainbow sprinkles!
You may think I'm crazy, but this cake isn't that sweet. It's soft and dense, yet fluffy at the same time. It's chocolaty but has a smooth tang that can
As of late, when I see pregnant women walking down the street-you know the ones that look like they could give birth any day now-I get scared for them.