After making a deliciously moist pumpkin bread using almond flour, I decided this could be an opportunity for coconut flour to shine. After all, coconut flour certainly does suck up a lot of moisture. Read more...
Everything fascinates, if you look closely enough at it. Even the lowly lentil. Moroccan Lentil Soup, adapted from Field of Greens It fascinates me to find how much my tastes have changed in the past decade, but particularly in the
Who said ice cream was off limit on the paleo diet? Ice cream is made out of eggs and a rich liquid. Coconut milk is perfect for a coconut paleo ice cream.
Inspired by a recipe in the River Cottage Preserves Handbook I made my own bouillon. I've been using it in soups and stews all week, and it's so much better than any canned broth I've tasted.
If you can't have gluten, you can still enjoy this cheesy pasta dish. It's not made with gluten-free pasta - oh no! It's made with spaghetti squash and other veggies, which means you can load on the cheese and still enjoy a low-calorie (around
I would never think to pair pumpkin with dulce de leche, but it works. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since both of those ingredients are pretty awesome on their own.
Looking for a hearty dinner using Progresso chicken broth and beans? Then try this flavorful chili that's garnished with cheese, yogurt and onion. 5 servings (1 1/3 cups each)
This soup is loud. Beefy, spicy, smoky, textured and complex, ten times better than I even knew pumpkin soup could be. It has no cream. It is thickened by coarsely-pureed black beans.
Lentils are a great starting point if you’re trying to make a vegetarian dish to win over a meat lover in your life, because they are so satisfying and delicious, and really do a good job imparting that heartiness into traditionally meat based dishes
Steamed butternut squash, kale and quinoa topped with a southwestern tahini sauce and pepitas make for a well-rounded and nutritious dinner! Vegan Yack Attack