Before you tell me you hate eggplant and cast off this recipe, hear me out: I’m not a big eggplant fan either. I think Eggplant is pretty spongy and bland. In fact, it’s probably one of my least favourite vegetables!
Eggplant slices are dipped in egg and bread crumbs and then baked, instead of fried. The slices are layered with spaghetti sauce, mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses.
One of my goals for 2012 was to transition my diet to be plant-centric. I don't plan on going vegetarian or vegan anytime soon, but I feel like I'm not very...
Are you feeling as well rested as I am today? I could seriously bounce off the walls right now and there isn't a lick of caffeine in my body. Man, the extra hour is the best...aside from that whole getting