Tomatoes and chicken simmer along with fresh onions, garlic and peppers in the slow cooker, just waiting to be amazing as soon as you walk in the door.
A little heat, a little cool and a lot of Southwest flavor wrapped up and ready for a fork. If variety is your thing, try it one week with beef, the next with pork.
Chicken takes a cue (or is it BBQ?) from pork and gets fork-tender, shredded and piled onto a crunchy roll. Eat it hot while the cheese is good and melty.
Chicken breast, onions and peppers and Italian dressing come together in 25 minutes for a delicious dish that can be a totally tasty part of a sensible eating plan.
A classic chilled pasta salad that's refreshingly smart and filled with the ingredients picnic-goers look for, such as turkey, olives, mozzarella and red onions.