This Sweet and Sour Chicken recipe contains instant brown rice, boneless skinless chicken breasts, brown sugar, reduced-sodium chicken broth, juice and more.
Sure you could get takeout from your local Chinese restaurant, but why not save a few dollars and make some great Chinese food yourself? Chicken fried...
Apple pie and Cheddar, the beloved mashup of sweet and savory, is yours to be had before dinner with this app. Fruit and walnuts top creamy cheese in each delish bite.
This Crisp Confetti Salad recipe contains kraft zesty italian dressing, tropical fruit salad, planters dry roasted peanuts, sugar snap peas, red peppers and more.
Sure, we could have gone with six, but at what cost? Lose the sour cream, or the zesty salsa, or the melted shredded cheese or....No. Seven layers. Get a little in each bite.