I used to live off of these when I was low carbing. They freeze really well. I also occasionally mixed in TVP (texturized vegetable protein) and flax for some extra fiber.
With Oreo Cookies in the mix, how can you go wrong? Wrap up these treats with the elegant (and totally achievable) chocolate swirl for any gift-giving occasion.
My mom helped me post this recipe. These candies are like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and are fun for kids to make because you don't have to cook them. My mom and I made these together.
Your turn to bring treats? We've got it from here. Each bar is a chunk of peanut-butter-and-chocolate paradise. Pat yourself on the back, O mother of treat-bringing lore.
If potatoes are on sale, buy a bag and make your own frozen french fries. Prep and cooking times are approximate. The true time will depend, of course, on how many fries you make and how thick you cut them.
My wife and I came up with this recipe together on my most recent birthday. I came up with the recipe foundation, but the adjustments she made as she cooked are definitely the key to making this the best I've ever had. It makes me look forward to birthdays again.
This Snowman-on-a-Stick recipe contains candy-coated chocolate pieces, jet-puffed marshmallows, famous chocolate wafer, peanut butter cup, pretzel sticks and more.
Chorizo and fish work so well together. Make sure you use the best-quality chorizo you can find; it comes in spicy and sweet varieties, but I tend to always go for the spicy one! The pangrattato sprinkled on top adds a lovely crunchiness to the soup and is well worth the little bit of extra effort.