Entertaining expert, Jenny Steffens Hobick, brings you a blog and website devoted to the glories of entertaining, recipes, weddings and everyday occasions.
Eureka! I love it when I learn how to make something I've never made before, especially when it's dead easy, and even good for me. I was grumpy when I got
A simple bowl of white bean soup graces my table. It has a garlicky broth with little specks of oregano floating among the beans, and a beautiful reddish tint from tomato paste. Finally, in contrast to the beans, I find
Sometimes on the weekends I wake up, take a shower, walk my dog and then make myself a steaming bowl of tortellini with tomato sauce for breakfast. This is often followed by eggs and hash browns for lunch. I don't
Potato, corn & tuna patties recipe - Cook potato in a steamer basket over a saucepan of simmering water for 15 minutes or until tender. Transfer to a large heatproof bowl. Mash until smooth. Set aside to cool...
This is a fabulous potato soup recipe. I have been making this for years. It is an recipe from a restaurant called The Machine Shed. I am always asked to make it by my family as well as for big gatherings. We also have it on Halloween every year before the kids go Trick-O-Treating. Our local store makes individual bread bowls that are orange and look like pumpkins. They love the soup in these festive bread bowls. It is a bit of a time consuming recipe to make, but well worth it once in awhile.
We pledge allegiance to a cake that shows its colors this deliciously. Serve with fresh blueberries and red strawberries and you'll cause even more revelry.