This quick and easy pizza recipe features the perfect combination of cheese, nuts, and vegetables. Better yet, it will be on your table in 30 minutes or less.
You don't need an excuse or a holiday to make this seriously satisfying stuffing studded with nuts, apple and cranberries. It's on the table in 15 minutes, so start chopping.
A favorite (and quick) tofu scramble recipe using shaved fennel, caramelized onions spices and dried fruit, and then counter-balancing those flavors with cilantro and chopped nuts.
I didn't mean for this to happen. I meant to make zucchini bread, though why it's considered perfectly normal to put zucchini in bread but not in cookies is beyond me.
Fair warning: You should only make these bread sticks when surrounded by plenty of people to help you eat them. Otherwise, there is a very serious danger of proceeding directly from the last bite of one bread stick to the first bite of the next.