This version of bubble and squeak replaces the traditional Brussels sprouts or cabbage with peppery mustard greens, and uses potatoes that you cook specifically for this purpose. And the name? Well, that's just the sort of meandering my brain does when I am out walking Ginger -- it occurred to me that Colonel Mustard would need a hearty dish like this after a busy day of either solving or committing murders.
Thanksgiving is a big deal at the Cabrera residence. The menu is planned weeks in advance to make sure everyone is satisfied with the side dishes and desserts. My mom takes out her good silverware to be polished. My dad spends the days prior to the dinner cleaning the house and making the backyard look... Read more » [LINK]
Use up your leftovers to make this savory "bread pudding"'s so simple to make, and so tasty. You'll enjoy making it for brunches, light dinners, and anytime you're in the mood for really good food.
As the name implies this recipe does not originate in Germany, it is the Balgian cousin of the German Schnitzel and widely popular in Germany. There are many variations of the Cordon Bleu but traditionally in Germany it is a fried Schnitzel filled with Ham and Cheese.
Snapper is seasoned with cumin seeds, sea salt and black pepper and then grilled until crispy but moist on the inside. Served on corn tortillas with a cabbage slaw and chipolte creme sauce.