It is absolutely no surprise that Aubrey and I love bacon, jalapenos, and cheese and I am sure we could eat them every single day, in one form or another. Bacon Jalapeno Popper Quiche is an incredi...
BBQ Chicken Tostadas are a quick and easy family dinner recipe everyone will love from The Weeknight Dinner Cookbook. Use your favorite sauce and cheese.
You'll be walking on air with a square of cream cheese and fruity Jell-O Gelatin whipped up fluffy as a cloud. A totally unique, totally refreshing dessert.
If lasagna is your grim weather go-to dinner, you can make a lighter version that skips calorie-dense meats and sausages and omits the creamy ricotta cheese that helps pile on the pounds.
From morning playdate to cocktail hour, this sweet faux pizza with a cookie dough crust and cream cheese center is invariably welcomed with oohs, ahhs and a pile of forks.
I found this copycat recipe from a website. It is soooo easy and incredibly good! I've made this several times for my family and friends and they just love them. They think these are better than the ones served in the restaurant! I add extra cheese on top (maybe that's the key) ; ) Hope you enjoy!
Served over rice, inside a toco, or nestled into a breakfast burrito along with the usual Mexican fixings (guacamole, lettuce, cheese, salsa), this recipe will please vegans, vegetarians, and even reluctant teenagers .