Have you ever found yourself choosing between a doughnut or a muffin to start your day? Well now you don't have to choose! These glazed doughnut muffins are perfect for those of us that just ... Sweet Pea's Kitchen
A delectable recipe for Sugar Donut Muffins. A soft and tender cake muffin with a crusty coating of sugar on the outside that will melt in your mouth like a
This weekend I'll be going over to my nieces house to celebrate her birthday and I will be bringing along this little baby. Actually I'm going to have to drop it off Saturday morning on my to the
It may not feel like spring out there but this recipe will remind you that summer is close! An easy muffin recipe with strawberries folded in and topped with cinnamon and sugar before baking. Del...
12 Servings - 30 min - feistyfrugalandfabulous.com
Thank you for your comments in yesterday's post! It really cheered me up when I read them this morning after another rough night of little sleep. Lately, my eats have looked like this...
These were my Sunday morning breakfast.... because I'm weird. because I was hungry. because I couldn't really wrap my brain around walking to the grocery store in the rain. because all I wanted was...
Anything big made small is ultrafun for cocktail parties, and these quick, one-bite mac and cheeses are the ultimate example. Cooked in mini muffin pans, the mini macs can be assembled early and baked just as guests arrive.
This past weekend was so beautiful! My husband and I spent a wonderful Saturday morning walking the dogs around the downtown canal and enjoying an amazing
I stayed in bed this morning because there was a scary pile of dishes in the kitchen, a living room full of unpacked bags and a warm little man cat on the pillow next to me. I dreamt my way through...
Chef Nate Appleman lost lots of weight by running. After a morning workout, he often makes this smoothie, which gets a dose of protein from almond butter.
This recipe for pumpkin and pecan pancakes has the warm spices of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves for a cozy breakfast on a chilly autumn morning.