When you combine good ingredients, great taste is sure to follow. Try this classic skillet recipe featuring herb seasoned chicken in a creamy garlic sauce...great taste is practically guaranteed.
Sauteed ground turkey combines with white rice, diced tomatoes and a tasty chicken oven sauce to make a savory filling for red bell peppers. They are really easy to prepare and will make a delicious addition to your weeknight menu!
Swiss steaks made by slow braising round steaks in tomatoes, peppers and onions until they are fork tender and melt in your mouth. With a thick and chunky sauce this is delicious served over rice, noodles and mashed or baked potatoes.
5 Servings - 4 hr 20 min - cinnamonspiceandeverythingnice.com
Why compromise? Have your (cheese)cake and eat a brownie, too-in a single dessert. Philly Cream Cheese makes it delectably creamy and totally foolproof.