Quick and easy spinach frittata recipe with eggs, fresh spinach, onions, garlic, Parmesan and goat cheese, and sun-dried tomatoes. Photos and step-by-step instructions.
The toppings make this soup fun for both kids and adults to eat. Crunchy tortilla strips, avocados, and cheese offer something for everyone. Even kids who typically resist vegetables are sure to gobble this veggie-rich soup right up.
Unlike most baked pasta recipes, this one starts with uncooked pasta so it's super convenient. With the added water and canned diced tomatoes, the pasta cooks in the oven along with the chicken and cheese for an easy one-dish meal.
Craving some comforting game day food? Food Fanatic’s recipe for buffalo chicken hash will fuel you throughout the day. Chunky potatoes, savory chicken sausage, runny eggs and melted cheese are ser...
As the name implies this recipe does not originate in Germany, it is the Balgian cousin of the German Schnitzel and widely popular in Germany. There are many variations of the Cordon Bleu but traditionally in Germany it is a fried Schnitzel filled with Ham and Cheese.
Let's pretend I haven't made these three times in the last month. Let's pretend I didn't eat at least five each time I made them. Let's pretend I don't have issues with carbohydrate-cream-cheese-self-control. Let's pretend these little beauties don't make