I know this dish may seem a little strange. But bear with me — citrus risotto isn’t some odd sweet-and-sour rice porridge. It’s an elegant dish that beautifully balances tart, creamy, salty and sweet flavors.
I, admittedly, do not have a green thumb. But I have always wanted a garden.My parents had a huge garden when I was younger, and I have such fond memories of it...searching for the green beans amidst the stalks and snapping them in front of the tv, sneaking a raw one into my mouth every few…
While not nearly as sweet as bananas, plantains do have a sweet flavor. In this soup we keep that sweetness at bay by using firm plantains with green skins rather than riper brown-skinned ones--the sugars will have not yet developed, so the fruit will add starchy body to the soup without too much sweetness.
This dish has the flavor and aroma of a chili that has simmered all day—and only you have to know it hasn't. Dress it up with a dollop of sour cream and sliced green onions, and serve it with Cheesy Cheddar Corn Bread.