Served over rice, inside a toco, or nestled into a breakfast burrito along with the usual Mexican fixings (guacamole, lettuce, cheese, salsa), this recipe will please vegans, vegetarians, and even reluctant teenagers .
Sometimes it seems challenging to make something quick and easy that I also can feel good about serving to my family Not to mention coming up with a dish everyone will like I have quite the picky crew here With a mid western meat and potatoes man and a terrific two year old to please I went back to basics This Hearty Italian Sausage and Potato Skillet is just that Click here to read about this recipe on The Simple Kitchen blog
This tuna salad served atop toasted sourdough bread makes a satisfying lunch or dinner. The beans, tuna and walnuts offer interesting contrasts in texture, while providing fiber, protein and healthy fat.
Elevate brownies (in both senses of the word) with layers of chewy and creamy. Chocolate plus peanut butter plus creamy frosting means a tall stack of yum.
This salad has it all: juicy citrus fruit, creamy avocado, crunchy onions, and decadent roasted beets, all topped with a salmon and a spicy dressing. [LINK]
When my children were young, I made this onedish meal with frozen veggies and a more traditional pie crust. As they became more adventurous eaters, I added more dark leafy greens, and eventually exchanged the crust for this hearty wholegrain topping.
Try this soba salad recipe from PBS Food. This Japanese noodle dish has fewer calories than other pastas, and is rich in vitamins and minerals like Thiamin.
There are few things I love more than bruschetta. The grilled, buttery bread...the beautiful tomatoes...the scrumptious basil. A perfect combination, and a perfect snack. Unless you eat twelve pieces like I do...and then it's more like a meal.