Massaman beef curry recipe - Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat until hot. Add beef. Cook, stirring constantly, until evenly browned. Transfer to a plate. Add 2 tablespoons coconut cream to...
A good friend gave me this recipe awhile back, but it has been a long time since I have made it. I forgot how easy it is (especially when you have a great
What's better than layer upon layer of creamy, chocolaty, peanut buttery heaven? You get all that here, plus more warm chocolate and PB drizzled on top.
Yesterday was one of those perfect fall days. We took Puppyface on an early morning walk and admired blue morning glorys that most people are never awake...
Every self respecting Southerner has a deviled egg plate, usually two. We have one for fancy company and a travel one which has a handy little lid (in the
Why compromise? Have your (cheese)cake and eat a brownie, too-in a single dessert. Philly Cream Cheese makes it delectably creamy and totally foolproof.
This fudge is divinely delicious-and way easier than you'd think. Customize it just for your family, with everything from peanut butter to marshmallow.
This is a mouth-watering quickbread recipe for Rosemary Potato Onion Bread. Potato bread all on it's own is something delicious. When you add fragrant rosemary
Friday night is usually DVD night here, and we normally try to pick something that we can watch as a family. But since our 8-year-old daughter was having a sleep-over at the neighbors', we were able to watch something a