Canned beans are a quick, no-cook protein option that readily absorbs the flavors of fresh herbs and roasted red peppers. Roast your own peppers or look for them in jars on grocery shelves near olives and pickles. Serve this hearty salad with whole wheat crackers, if desired.
About 6 months ago, a friend gave me a gorgeous can of sucre roux a la coriandre, a sugar she'd bought at a specialty store in Vancouver. I wasn't totally sure what it was or how to use it, but I was intrigued. Turns out it's a coriander sugar and it's absolutely divine. I created this dish to highlight its flavor but also the ways that it and fennel, leeks and oranges complement each other. This is scrumptious and also beautiful!
We in PA love our pierogi's; and here is an easy, tasty casserole that substitutes the real deal. Most commonly served as a main dish, but can be served as a side.