We don't use the word "ultimate" loosely. Each one of these delectable stuffed appetizers is bursting with rich, buttery-tasting Ritz Cracker crumbs and cheesy flavor.
Sure you could get takeout from your local Chinese restaurant, but why not save a few dollars and make some great Chinese food yourself? Chicken fried...
Everyone needs a recipe like this for when the party is suddenly at your house. Crisp pickle slices, cream cheese and ham or turkey make for delicious impromptu bites.
Holidays, meet your new tradition. Creamy sauce with a horseradish kick accompanies a glorious (and gloriously easy) prime rib. A showstopper that gives you time to celebrate.
This is a dish that is popular in Japan and usually sold as street food. This version is made with pork, although you could easily substitute chicken or tofu.