In this classic version of pesto, the basil leaves are blanched in boiling water, then quickly shocked in ice water, to give the sauce a brilliant green hue and to reduce any bitterness.
San Francisco chocolatier Michael Recchiuti prepared the gooey marshmallow topping for this exquisite chocolate cake on a porch at Prather Ranch using just a hot plate and a hand-cranked beater. Recchiuti decorated the marshmallow with shards of his own graham crackers, but store-bought ones work just fine.
I would like to introduce you to my new favourite bread. It's a recipe that I have been testing and refining for a while until I unleashed it on you. I am happy with my no-knead bread, that I...
Hi there, friend. Let's talk. What'd you do this weekend? Did you do yardwork? Any DIY projects you wanna share? I wanna hear it. I wanna hear it all. Annnnnd go! I'll wait... Oh niiiice. That's cute. All that sounds
Everything fascinates, if you look closely enough at it. Even the lowly lentil. Moroccan Lentil Soup, adapted from Field of Greens It fascinates me to find how much my tastes have changed in the past decade, but particularly in the