A savory stuffing made with corn bread and spicy pork sausage has a lot of possible make-ahead steps, so you can get it ready in plenty of time for the Big Day.
This breakfast burrito recipe is meal prep at its finest. With a whopping 27 grams of protein per serving, this savory egg-n-bacon wrap is perfect to grab..
Boneless pork loin chops, marinated in a tangy sweet-and-savory marinade with a hint of spice, grill up all moist and browned for a delightful grilled supper for two.
Chef John uses spaghetti and other easy-to-find ingredients to decode a secret and mysteriously simple family recipe for garlic noodles cloaked in a savory, umami-rich sauce.
My Vegan Potato Casserole recipe brings a fresh vegan twist to a classic. It is a vegetable bake with a savory oil-free sauce and a Macadamia Crunch top.
Salty and savory, this blue cheese sauce dresses up the average pork chop—and metaphorically takes it to the prom—in this amazingly simple and delectable meal. Fire up your stovetop and let the dance begin!
All the cheesy toppings of a pizza stuffed into a fast, easy, and crispy quesadilla, these Pizzadillas are a fast an easy alternative to traditional pizza.