The secret to these enchiladas is in the seasonings! Shredding the chicken is the most time-consuming step, but it's worth it in the end. Serve them with sour cream and a side of Spanish rice.
Start with an apricot fruit spread to concoct a sauce that transforms simply prepared chicken breasts into this elegant dish.Prep: 4 minutes; Cook: 14 minutes
Matzo is a crispy flatbread made of flour and water. Combined with dill, crushed matzo provides a crunchy coating to the fish in this quick and easy dish.
Swanson(R) Premium Chunk Chicken Breast is seasoned with celery, onion, mayonnaise and yogurt to make a delicious chicken salad that is served with lettuce and tomato on Pepperidge Farm(R) Whole Wheat Bread.
My grandmother's recipe for roasted chicken. We are German and she used to do it this way all the time. I never have had a chicken this juicy before; this little trick works and makes the people eating it go silent. It's funny. We nibble on the celery after.