Leftover rice is a great and frugal filler, delicious with gravy, yummy under chili and perfect in my very favorite leftover rice dish: fried rice. Try this quick and easy dinner recipe from Disney Family.com.
My husband is a real meat-and-potatoes guy and could eat the same thing every day, but not me! So I've come up with different ways, including this recipe, to use those main ingredients.
'Our family lives and works on a ranch,' remarks Ronna Lewis from Plains, Kansas. 'I like to fix this nicely seasoned casserole ahead of time and freeze it for later use. It's good with a tossed salad or nacho chips and dip.'
Risotto is a good and simple staple to have in your recipe repertoire. Here's a cost-saving tip: You can substitute sushi rice for pricier Arborio with the same excellent results.