Try this Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Prosciutto Chips recipe or find other Pork recipes and Vegetable recipes from KitchenDaily. Click here to visit the new home of KitchenDaily!
Refreshing. Crisp. Flavorful. Healthy-ish. BBQ Chicken Salad. Probably one of my favorite salad combos ever. Ranks right up there with this one. Oh and this one and this one. Gotta love a great dinner salad. One Year Ago: Cream Biscuits
A dish of shrimp sauteed in bacon drippings and tossed with fettuccine sounds like a no-no for the calorie conscious. But at under 400 calories a serving, indulge! Cook the fettuccine al dente so the strands remain intact and maintain their slightly firm texture.
Don't tell your mom, but you've found your own special recipe. This version has a little more zing, a touch of mustard and a whole new better-for-you approach to barbecue.
Asparagus: It's the classiest of vegetables. Add instant elegance to your party with this better-for-you platter of fresh stalks in a tempting cheese sauce and crumb topping.